Personal Lines Insurance -Home and Auto

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Homeowners Insurance

Homeowners Insurance

A Homeowners Insurance Policy Is Made Of 4 Sections

homeowners insurance


Property can be damaged by a number of causes including, fire, wind, hail, rain, lightning, and underground water.

The damage can affect parts or all of your property and each of these parts has separate limits.

  • Dwelling refers to the main structure of the house or residence. This section has its own limit (insured amount), which is the approximate cost of replacing or rebuilding your home.
  • Other structures include parts of the residence that are not attached or are separate from the main building such as pools, gazebos, detached garages, sheds, fences, guest house. These will have their own insured value.
  • Personal belongings are defined as the things you own that are not part of or attached to the house or any part thereof. Your personal belongings are insured up to a maximum set in the policy limits. Additional coverage may be required for high-value items such as jewelry, weapons, art, and collectibles
Liability insurance


The liability coverage is to protect you in the event of damage or injury caused by you, your family or pets to others or their property. It will provide protection against lawsuits up to the limit of coverage specified on the policy. If you have significant assets or earnings, you should consider an umbrella or excess policy to increase your coverage.

Loss of use
(living expenses)

This coverage pays for extra expenses incurred as a result of having to live elsewhere because your home was damaged by a covered event such as fire, hurricane, etc.

Optional Homeowners Insurance Coverages

    • Water Back-up/Sump Discharge Coverage
    • Sinkhole Collapse Coverage

It is critical that you are aware your homeowners insurance policy DOES NOT COVER FLOOD damage. Flood insurance is optional and is policy that is obtained separately.

For more information and tips on homeowners insurance: